A grain of sand in the desert
Our dreams are simple, we want justice, freedom and dignity.
Who are we? The refugees from Syria.
A grain of sand in the desert WeiterlesenOur dreams are simple, we want justice, freedom and dignity.
Who are we? The refugees from Syria.
A grain of sand in the desert WeiterlesenLiving Smile Vidia is a full official name of the queer refugee artist from India. Smile, as friends call her, belong to the “dalit” minority, one the most oppressed casts of the Indian subcontinent. It is a highly patriacrchal society with the clear social and economic imbalance gender-caste discrimination, violence and denigration of a woman.
A Butterfly that Keeps Evolving: “Introducing Living Smile Vidya” WeiterlesenToday is the suisse day for Refugee, and as I heard about it, I was motivated to tell you my story. A long story around this status called “refuge”. I remember very well the date of my departure on February 25, 2013.
Refugee with eleven years of experience Weiterlesenفراس شمسان:
منذ إنشاء جماعة الحوثي „أنصار الله“، لتنظيم “ الزينبيات “ وهو فصيل أمني يتبع الجماعة مهمتهم الاساسية اعتقال وملاحقة النساء ارتفع عدد النساء التي يتعرضن للعنف والاعتقال
Interviews With Cultural Workers from Bern, Zürich and Lucerne Maya Taneva Through the action-week against racism in Bern (Aktionswoche gegen Rassismus in Bern) and through the rich program of events, …
Structural Racism in Swiss Culture WeiterlesenLuzern kantonunda bulunan eski askeri kışla odalarını kollektif bir yaşam alanına çeviren Eichwäldli sakinleri yaptıkları eylemle evlerini terk etmeyeceklerini belirtti. İsviçre’nin Luzern kantonunda bulunan eski askeri kışla odalarını kollektif bir …
Luzernliler: Eichwäldli kalmalı Weiterlesenزندگى†در†شرايط†نت†هيلفه†( كمك†هاى اظطرارى†) در†سوئيس وقتى†كه†كيس†شما†به†عنوان†پناهنده†در†كشور سوئيس†رد†ميشود†و†شما†نگاتيو†ميگيريد†بعد†از طى†مراحلى†به†شما†اعلام†ميشود†كه†شما†بايد . كشور†سوئيس†را†ترك†كنيد و†اگر†شما†واقعن†شرايط†ترك†كشور†را†نداشته باشيد†به†ناچار†مجبور†ميشويد†در†اينجا†بمانيد و†در†واقع†زندگى†با†شرايط†خيلى†سخت†پيش .روى†شما†قرار†ميگيرد من†يك†پناهجوى†ايرانى†هستم†كه†در†كشور سوئيس†در†شهر†لوتسرن†و†در†شرايط Nothilfe ( زندگى†( كمك†هاى†اضطرارى . ميكنم ميتوانم†به†صراحت†بگويم†كه†ادامه†زندگى†در اين†شرايط†گاهن†بشدت†درد†آور†و†تحقير كنندست†. اما†ما†مجبوريم†و†محكوميم†به تحمل†, زیرا†نمیتوانیم†به†کشور†خود†به†دلایلی . كه†داريم†باز†گردیم ميخواهم†کمی†به†قسمت†بيمه†درمانى …
زندگى در شرايط نت هيلفه ( كمك هاى WeiterlesenZürih’te polis saldırısını direnişle karşılayan kadınlar 8 Mart’ı kutladıZürih’te yasağa rağmen biraraya gelen yüzlerce kadın, polisin saldırısına direnişle karşılık verdi. Gözaltılara rağmen direnişi sona erdirmeyen kadınlar, ara sokaklarda ve ana …
Zürih’teki kadın gösterisi polisle kavgaya neden oldu WeiterlesenDomestic and gender-based violence, financial dependence and work-life disequilibrium are only a few of many pandemic-related issues that girls and women face. It is a moment when female empowerment is …
Phenomenal Women Global: Female Leaders Rising above COVID-19 WeiterlesenThis website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies.