All Women Together

We decided not to report the event in real time, and moreover to set our website and social medias offline, as protest against free work and professional disqualification which are inpose to migrant women.

As we were offline, we publish this text to explain our reason:

We also embrace the reason of the Frauenstreik and we hope that the equality will be reach very soon for all women living in Switzerland.

In the following day we will publish articles and social media posts with our multicultural impressions of this day in Bern, Zürich, Basel, Neuchâtel, Geneva and more. Follow us!

First Video:

Second Video:

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All Women Together

We decided not to report the event in real time, and moreover to set our website and social medias offline, as protest against free work and professional disqualification which are inpose to migrant women.

As we were offline, we publish this text to explain our reason:

We also embrace the reason of the Frauenstreik and we hope that the equality will be reach very soon for all women living in Switzerland.

In the following day we will publish articles and social media posts with our multicultural impressions of this day in Bern, Zürich, Basel, Neuchâtel, Geneva and more. Follow us!

First Video:

Second Video:

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